Thursday, August 26, 2010
2:00 – 4:00 pm
10 Sand Island Access Road (Right after drawbridge)
There were 25 attendees.
1. Hurricane/Tsunami Evacuation Issues – Panel discussion of USCG, State, Pilots, Industry and the Public
Attendees discussed the last tsunami with specific focus on; Honolulu, Kewalo and Ala Wai harbors. Boaters going out of Ala Wai channel found out that it did get very congested and at one point a yacht blocked the channel as they retrieved their dog that had fallen overboard. When off shore there was also a lot of interaction between recreational and commercial vessels. Kewalo was also congested off shore. Out of Honolulu vessels leaving proceeded fairly well, but returning captains were unsure of the returning order. Commercial vessels also experienced congestion with the smaller recreational vessels off shore. It was suggested that there be areas/anchoring set aside for commercial vessels for disaster anchoring. This would be different from the areas for recreational vessels.
It was also suggested that the State’s “Recovery Schedule” be communicated to vessel captains. It was also suggested that HOST revisit the Commercial VHF-FM Communications Procedures as communications were difficult with the volume and mix of vessels (commercial and recreational) communication. It was suggested that the CG utilize the smaller patrol boats to help with boater safety enforcement and control off shore areas to prevent interactions. There has been done a lot of planning for leaving Honolulu but it was felt that more planning needs to be done about returning. The issue of fueling off shore if there is harbor/pier damage was introduced as a potential problem.
It was expressed by the attendees that we were fortunate as there were light winds and no large vessels in port that had to be moved. Things could have been very difficult.
The Coast Guard is working on a “phone book” insert for boaters on the proper radio channels. It was decided that HOST would assist on this product.
It was suggested that there also be a handout to circulate throughout the Yacht clubs to get their members informed.
2. New Tsunami Evacuation Maps
Peter Hirai of the City and County of Honolulu Department of Emergency Management discussed the New Tsunami Evacuation Zone Maps. Maps are being released to the community tomorrow Aug. 27, 2010. 43 segments represent the 21 maps of the new evacuation line and zones for the island of Oahu. The evacuation zones were developed by taking tsunami inundation data created by the Tsunami Inundation Mapping Project and applying a public safety buffer utilizing existing streets, roads, highways and other features as landmarks. This enables the viewer to quickly recognize whether they are or are not in an evacuation zone. This is the same methodology that was used for delineation of the 1991 evacuation zones.
The maps show both the new evacuation zones (in RED) and the 1991 evacuation zones (in YELLOW). The maps also include the locations of ambulance, fire and police stations, hospitals, public and private schools, shopping malls and major thoroughfares. Each map has a legend that explains these features.
Three important points to remember about Tsunami Evacuation
- If you reside in a tsunami evacuation zone you must leave immediately when a Tsunami Warning is issued.
- If you are outside of a tsunami evacuation zone stay where you are and stay off of the road. Keep roads clear for evacuees and first responders.
- During an emergency, pay close attention to official radio or TV broadcasts and to instructions from government officials. DO NOT tie up vital communications by making non-emergency calls. If you need emergency assistance call 9-1-1.
If you have any comments regarding the new tsunami evacuation maps please e-mail or contact the Department of Emergency Management at 808-723-8960.
Finding your evacuation zone
To assist you in finding your tsunami evacuation zone first refer to the following Oahu Index Map List to identify your map number(s) Oahu Index Map List
Then select the appropriate map number(s) from the list of maps below to view those zones.
Oahu index map showing all 21 Evacuation Maps
3. The Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Management Plan Review
The Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale Sanctuary’s Oahu Program Coordinator Christine Brammer discussed the historical establishment of the Sanctuary and the ongoing management plan review process. The Sanctuary was established in 1992 by Congress with full designation following in 1997, with completion of the first management plan. The plan was later reviewed in 2002 through a process required by law that included public review and comment.
The Sanctuary has now undertaken another management plan review to address current and emerging issues and to increase management effectiveness. Currently, the purpose and mission of the sanctuary is to protect the North Pacific humpback whale and their habitat in the Hawaiian Islands, which makes it a single species sanctuary. The present boundaries are:
· Five separate protected areas
· From shoreline to depth of 100 Fathoms (600 feet)
· 1,370 square miles of federal and state waters
· Five offices on four islands
Key Sanctuary programs include; resource protection, science and research, community engagement and education and outreach.
The ongoing Management Plan Review is an opportunity for the community to have input into future directions and scope of the sanctuary and to address possible inclusion of additional protection for marine resources of national significance.
The following is the Review process timeline:

The website that provides useful background information is available at
Hans Van Tilburg gave the background and importance of NOAA’s preservation of maritime heritage. Hawaii’s maritime heritage is an area discussed as it is not included presently in the scope of the sanctuary. By definition maritime heritage resources are historic shipwreck sites, historic aircraft sites, historic landings and docks, prehistoric archaeological sites. These historic sites may be eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.
Hans reported that there are vessels and historic aircraft reported lost within the sanctuary (115 ships, 70 planes = ~185) but of those reported only approximately 25+ vessels and historic aircraft wrecks have been recorded.
Records show an estimated 284 ships, 1350 naval aircraft lost in MHI (Main Hawaiian Islands) and outside of the current sanctuary boundaries. Hans outlined the current threats which are the following:
• Lack of inventory survey—knowing what’s really out there
• Lack of preservation–inadvertent (sometimes intentional) damage to sport diving sites
• lack of understanding–need to promote appreciation and stewardship of resource
If the Hawaiian Island Humpback Whale Sanctuary includes maritime heritage into it’s’ management scope other opportunities may benefit residents and visitors as are incorporated elsewhere and they are:
• HADS (Heritage Awareness Diving Seminar);
• NAS courses (Nautical Archaeology Society);
• Shipwreck Trails (Florida Keys NMS);
• “Live Dive” events (Thunderbay NMS);
• Underwater site markers
• Wreck site moorings
The following is the present time frame and contact information:
• Compile public comments
• Develop scoping report
• Identify priority list of issues
• Develop management actions to address priority issues
• Develop draft management plan/EIS
Fax: 808-397-2650
Mail: Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale
National Marine Sanctuary
6600 Kalaniana‘ole Hwy., Suite 301
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96825
More Information:
Call 1-888-55-WHALE, ext. 267 or visit us online at: