February 10, 2005 Advisory Board

HOST Advisory Board Meeting

February 10, 2005

John Regan                                                               Tom Heberle

Bob Heidrich                                                             Chris Woolaway

Susan Harper                                                            Brad Rimell

Robin Bond                                                                Arlen Walsten

Randy Swindell                                                          Troy Brown                                                                

Captain Terry Rice (Ret.)                                         Kimo Corstorphine

Bill Mossman                                                             John Thielst

LTJG Quincey Adams                                               Mike Kitamura


AGENDA ITEM #1    Call to Order at 3:11 pm

            Robin called the meeting to order.    A quorum was present.

AGENDA ITEM #2      Approval of the Minutes of last meeting.

            After a brief discussion the minutes were approved by consensus.

AGENDA ITEM #3    Treasurer’s Report

Chris Woolaway reported that we have a total of $1,638.90.  This includes the $50.00 donation from the Boating Safety Workshop on January 22, 2005 .

AGENDA ITEM #4    Next Membership Meeting Topics   ( February 17, 2005 )

•           Harbor Congestion panel discussion – Kim reported that the panel has had one meeting Tom Heberle may not be able to be there if so Steve Baker will stand in.

•           Security Zone Presentation – USCG Quincy Adams will give a review of current Security Zones as the new zones have not been published yet.  Hopefully there will be more information to share at the Membership meeting on the 17th.

            •           Richard Rice from DLNR, DOBOR will give a legislative update.

AGENDA ITEM #5 Security Zone Presentations – LTJG Quincey Adams (USCG) gave a review of current Security Zones as the new Security Zones have not been published yet.  There is no word as to when they will be.

AGENDA ITEM #6   Laupahoehoe Boat Ramp Situation – Mike Kitamura from Senator Akaka’s Honolulu Office discussed the community and Senator Akaka’s concerns on the boat ramp at Laupahoehoe.  The launch ramp in its present condition is nearly 100% unusable.  The maintenance and repair of the ramp is a county responsibility but the County of Hawaii does not have immediate funding for repair.  Sen. Akaka is working with the Army Corps of Engineers for a solution to reduce the surge problem in the small boat harbor area to increase usage and lessen the erosion impact on the launch ramp.  However, any such solution would be long term and would likely require special legislation providing congressional direction and funding.  Laupahoehoe community members are looking for a short term “band aid” solution to the repair problem.  Sen. Akaka’s office has been advised that estimated cost of repair would be under $110K.   The Senator’s office has been coordinating efforts with Councilman Fred Holshun and Hawaii State Representative Dwight Takamine who represent the community at Laupahoehoe.  The Senator’s office is asking HOST’s help to identify any programs that might have funding for the repair of the boat ramp at Laupahoehoe Point.  A HOST subcommittee was formed with Robin, Kim, Bill and Kimo and they will meet with Mike after the Advisory meeting.  Susan will provide some CG Aux. contacts to assist.

AGENDA ITEM #7`    Pending HOST Safety Issues

•           SOP 6-98 Commercial VHF Comms.   Nothing new so Hector

Venegas proposes to update the SOP and send it out with the information he has.  Sinclair Brown will be getting in touch with Hector from the Pilots.

•           Safety at Sea Subcommittee.  –  Susan Harper circulated Kent Richard’s report and said that the presentations were well received and the feedback was good.  The attendance was a little light but for the first time out the effort was successful.  The next workshop will be during the Hawaii Boat Show in May.

•           Kawaihae Harbor Tug and Barge Safety – Robin has circulated a copy of a

letter from Barry Fukunaga stating the Ocean Sports concern over the future of small boating activities in Kawaihae Harbor .

•           SOP 9-98 Use of Seafarer’s Hall for tempo shelter –   Robin has received a suggestion from Bill Anonsen to include the Consul contact number.  He will take it to the General Membership for approval.

•           SOP 7-98 Multiple Cruise Vessel Visiting Offshore Port –   Kim is moving along and anyone interested in participating on the panel needs to contact Kim.

•           Clean Water Act/State water quality subcommittee-Bill is still working on it.

•           Tug Assistance -Tom discussed new developments with implications for the SOP.  Troy has been getting comments from NW Cruise Ship Association.  Tom and Troy have sent information from the HOST Sub committee.  There was discussion that DOT-Harbors need to make the SOP a law, as a matter of safety.  The Neighbor Island and Port of Honolulu need to set up a meeting soon.  DOT harbors 1970’s rules need to be readdressed and enforced.

•           The Barbers Point grounding – The Coast Guard is still investigating

AGENDA ITEM #8    New Business – Chris

•           DLNR Boating Pump out Campaign – The work that was proposed with DOBOR was approved at the Land Board meeting.  As a part of the campaign there will be an advisory committee formed to oversee the work. Chris would like to ask HOST members interested to join in.

•           Kaneohe Canoe Club Safety Issue – Chris discussed the safety issue that has come up in meetings with the He’eia community.  The lack of a set back from the highway fronting He’eia Kea Pier has put the Kaneohe Canoe Club and the children that they are working with at risk as the only public restrooms and the payphone are located at the same corner as the entrance to the Harbor.  The canoe club has witnessed many near misses with the speed of the traffic on the highway.

•           DLNR commercial permit holder environmental briefings – Chris discussed the new environmental briefings for clients that DLNR will be requesting as voluntary for commercial Permitees.  Peter Young shared this information in the February 2, 2005 Marine and Coastal Zone Advocacy Council meeting. This will be a mandatory program for new Permitees.

AGENDA ITEM #9    USCG Concerns – none at this

AGENDA ITEM #10    State of Hawaii Concerns-none at this time

AGENDA ITEM #11    Coast Guard Auxiliary Issues – John Regan reported that they had done a safety presentation to Iolani School 4th graders at the Admirals residence.  John also shared his new E-mail address:  reganj001@hawaii.rr.com

AGENDA ITEM #12    Announcements

•           The Boat Show is May 21 & 22nd.  HOST needs help in staffing. 

•           National Harbor Safety Committee Conference in April

•           New CG MSST group in Hawaii

Robin asked if there were any further comments.   Hearing none he adjourned the meeting at 4:45 pm .


Advisory Board Meeting:

March 10, 2005 at 1500,   Hawaii Yacht Club located in the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor .

General Membership Meeting:

February 17, 2005 at 1400,  Honolulu Community College Marine Training Facility.   

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