Advisory Board Meeting

February 10, 2011 (3:00 pm)

Fusion Center – Restaurant Row, 500 Ala Moana Blvd, Tower 5 Suite 200



Anne Stevens                                   Arlen Walsten                                   Chris Woolaway

Brad Rimell                                       Bob Heidrich                                    Lt. Kyle Ryan

LCDR Marcella Granquist              CDR Jason Neubauer                    CDR Robert McFarland

Clifford Inn                                         Linden Joesting                               Roland Zwicky

Ed Lott                                               Sparkie Ewing                                 Stan Radlo

Michael Cantin                                 Robin Bond

1.            Call to Order 1500 (3:00 pm) by Robin Bond

2.         Approval of the Minutes of last meeting. The January minutes were approved.

3.            Treasurer’s Report – Chris Woolaway reported that there is $2,147.03 in the checking account with no activity this month. 

4.            Introduction and overview of the Fusion Center

There was a lot of information passed out about the Fusion Centers nationally and locally.  There are 72 centers nationally with 50 State designated offices.  The Fusion Center is one source of communication that is working with other committees/agencies. Fusion Centers provide regional information sharing among local, state and federal public safety agencies and private sector organizations in order to facilitate the collection, analysis and dissemination of intelligence relevant to terrorism and public safety.  It was suggested that the Fusion Center link up with the local Coast Guard Security Harbor Committee. The website to learn about the Fusion Center is: www.pacclear.org.

5.                      Topics for the February 17, 2011 HOST Membership Meeting

a.    Slipper Island Cleanup

b.    User guide for Honolulu Harbor. This is deferred to another meeting.

c.    Kewalo Basin – Overview by new management – Charles Barclay

d.    New Range Lights – USCG’s Marcella Granquist will present the technology that they are reviewing for Honolulu and Kewalo.

6.         Pending HOST Safety Issues

a.    Flare disposal project – Chris and Robin reported that Covanta is willing to work with us and was able to burn the flares that we delivered.  The Subcommittee will re-convene with a meeting with Covanta and will include the new volunteers.  The USCG Auxiliary will help.  It was also suggested that we include the commercial users.  Chris will follow up.

b.    Alpha dive flags on dive boats – Neil was not in attendance.

7.         Old Business

a.    Falls of Clyde safety issues and general update – Chris reported that the Friends of Falls of Clyde got word that we did not get the Saving America’s Treasurers Grant but it was recommended that the Friends reapply this year.  We are actively looking into obtaining a floating dry dock. 

b.    2011 Joint Harbor Safety and Area Maritime Security Committee Conference – June 2011 Robin volunteered to send out the web site with the topics list. The website is: http://www.cvent.com/events/joint-conference-of-harbor-safety-committees-and-area-maritime-security-committees/event-summary-62c6078fd1a245eb9f0155db721adff0.aspx

c.    SOP 12-10 in Hawaii Fishing News and the Hawaii Boats & Yachts publications Robin discussed the outreach and collaboration with Hawaii Fishing News and Hawaii Boats & Yachts in helping with getting the information out on the SOP 12-10 “Who To Call”.

8.         New Business

a.    Boating safety issues for 2011.  It was suggested that we refer to the CG Proceedings on Recreational Boating Safety (Fall 2010)

b.    Wave runners/jet skis off shore marine debris cleanup: Chris reported that she followed up with the individual and had him contact DLNR for a Marine Activity Permit as was recommended by the Board.  

9.         USCG Concerns: APEC was discussed briefly and that there more information needed.

10.       State of Hawaii Concerns (DOT Harbors and DLNR): No concerns.

11.       Coast Guard Auxiliary Issues: Ed Lott discussed Uninspected Passenger Vessels inspections.

12.       NOAA Issues: Ryan will reach out to individuals that should participate at the upcoming NOAA meeting here in Hawaii looking at what types of services are needed. YB should be interested in this meeting-Chris will follow up.   The National Weather Service is looking to get reengaged with the boating community.  NOAA is looking for sea state information that will make better forecasts.   The Marine Observation Spotter was discussed.  Brad asked to have current contact information for NOAA weather as there is a need for the quickest means to get in touch.  It was also suggested to have “Small Boat Advisories”, and to make sure people need to understand what it is and how to use it. 

13.       Power Squadron Issues:  There was a discussion about the two Power Squadrons and that both will be included in the HOST network.

14.       Announcements: None

15.       Next Meetings:       Advisory Board Meeting: March 10, 2011

                                              Membership Meeting: February 17, 2011                                                                      

16.       Adjourn 1700 (5:00 pm)