Bob Heidrich Sparkie Ewing Scott Whaley
CDR Jason Neubauer Mike Nelson Brad Rimell
Naomi Wasano Roland Zwicky Chris Woolaway
Darren Bullock Clifford Inn Anne Stevens
Robin Bond
1. Call to Order 1500: Robin called the meeting to order at 3:15 pm. We did not have a quorum.
2. Approval of the Minutes of last meeting: The meeting notes had been circulated (01/12/2012). There were no corrections.
3. Treasurer’s Report – Chris Woolaway reported that we have $1,866.07 in our checking account. Chris will be filing the 2012 Business Annual Filing for the State of Hawaii this month.
4. Topics for the February HOST Membership Meeting
a. Anne suggested that PASHA could make a presentation on their new roll off ship: Anne reported that she has not been able to confirm this so it is taken off this month’s agenda.
b. “SHARE THE OCEAN” Panel discussion with the State (Ed Underwood), USCG (Capt. Nunan) and Ocean Safety (Jim Howe): Robin reported that all the speakers are confirmed. The panel will present their concerns on the issues of mixed use and then the discussion will be opened up to the audience. The goal of the discussion will be to develop a program to educate boaters and other ocean users to share the ocean and hopefully mitigate mixed use related accidents.
c. Humpback Whale presentation: The Sanctuary has confirmed participation. “What’s new with Whales & What can Boaters do?” A discussion followed on collision avoidance and how that subject can be integrated into the Boating education programs given by the Power Squadron and the CG Aux.
5. Pending HOST Safety Issues
Flare disposal project – Chris: Chris reported that H-power would still like to have a sit down meeting after February to finalize the logistics.
Robin reported that he had received an e-mail from Lee Libby proposing that HOST establish a program to educate the public on the proper firing of emergency flares using a hands-on firing approach. An exhaustive discussion followed and it was agreed that the current USCG Auxiliary, Power Squadrons, and BOAT US education programs are the best method of educating the public and that hands-on firing of expired flares is not feasible at this time.
6. Continuing HOST Business
a. Falls of Clyde safety issues and general update – Chris reported that the dilapidated Hokulea Pier located at the end of Pier 7 blew apart during the storm this week and Kim Beasley of CIC is taking care of getting it out of the Harbor and disposing of it. Chris also discussed the first lecture on Modern Piracy, which was very informative. There will be more of these public presentations at Pier 7.
b. Marine debris from the Japan tsunami – Chris updated the Board on the recent information coming from the Japanese fisheries training ships. Chris was asked to include the web link in this meeting’s notes: http://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/singi/kaiyou/hyouryuu/senpaku.html. The charts are written in Japanese. If folks would like the translation of the charts please e-mail Chris and she will send you the file.
c. Recent snorkeling incident off Lahaina – Jason updated the Board as the investigation by the State has almost concluded. There will be an announcement of the action to be taken.
d. Update of Lahaina Tendering Video: Cliff is working with Jim Walsh and Mike Collins of Maui to update the video. Robin suggested separating the Lahaina from the Kona video, which will make it more user friendly. It was agreed that this would be a good move. Cliff will check if the Kona video also needs updating, and report back.
7. New Business
a. Stand Up Paddling surfing e-mail from Maui: Robin led a discussion about the E-mail he received regarding “Stand up Paddlers“ in the surf zone in Maui. It was agreed that “Stand up Paddlers” are considered surfers while in the surf zone. Robin asked the HOST folks on Maui to work with the community to address this issue. Everyone needs to respect each other.
b. Hawaii Ocean Expo – April 21 & 22. HOST will have a booth and participation from the Board members is most welcome.
8. USCG Concerns:
a. The Tsunami Taskforce is moving along.
b. A discussion ensued regarding recent parasailing accidents and the possible need for a HOST SOP for Parasailers. The Board felt that this process with a subcommittee is very important. Jason will contact the companies and see if a joint meeting can be scheduled. Robin and Brad will attend.
9. State of Hawaii Concerns (DOT Harbors and DLNR): A number of issues were brought up concerning DLNR.
a. The range marker at Keehi Lagoon has not been replaced. Robin will contact Ed Underwood regarding its replacement.
b. The issue of difficulty of accessing DLNR rules and regs and the suggestion is that contact information to DLNR, to find information on mooring rules should be included on the NOAA charts.
10. Coast Guard Auxiliary and Power Squadron Issues: No additional issues were brought up.
11. NOAA Issues: None
12. Announcements: Brad mentioned the recovery of the three sailors by Horizon. The Board recognized that it was because of Horizon’s efforts that the sailors were saved.
13. Next Meetings: AdvisoryBoard Meeting: March 8, 2012 (3:00 pm)
Membership Meeting: February 16, 2012 (2:00 pm)
14. Adjourn 1700 (5:00 pm)